Thursday, April 2, 2009

Itsy Bitsy

Our littlest Miss is going to be six weeks this Sunday; I now understand why some people find it difficult to stop at two! I can't

stand the thought that she could be my last babe to snuggle....only time will tell I suppose:) Eve is SUCH a fantastic

great, in fact that my only complaint is how needy she is of cuddles; as long as she being snuggled by a warm body she is a

happy girl....and a very smiley girl at that! You need only to lean over her and give her some attention and she turns into a

grinning fool. I officially adore this girly of mine. Big sis is fantastic with complaints coming from her yet, which

makes me a very happy Mama! This little session I selfishly did this afternoon...Eve was NOT wanting to be in front of the

camera so I will make another attempt tomorrow morning in order to capture a few of her smiles.

If only time would slow down.....


Brandi said...

*sigh* she is absolutely beautiful... please don't stop at 2 ;)

Tasha said...

Oh Michele, she is a beauty! Haha, I agree with Brandi, don't stop at 2!

Anonymous said...

Oh my Eve is growing so fast. Your and Mike's genetics make perfect baby's with mesmerizing eyes Mish!!! They are stunning.

Brooke Bowland said...

she makes me melt. she is so beautiful michele, i could hold her all day long!!!

d d p h o t o g r a p h y said...

she is so so are very lucky to have such lovely little ones :)

Anonymous said...

You and Brooke make the most beautiful babies and take the most fabulous pictures! Why could I not have known you both when I started having kids 7 years ago?!?
Your little girl beings tears to my eyes, and I think I've decided to have another.... I think. We'll see what mother nature has to say about that.
Keep them coming.. you can never show off your girls too much!

Carol said...

no kidding!!!
you need to have at least 4!!

Michele said...

Thank you everyone....I sure do feel lucky to have such a sweetheart of a babe; and even more thankful that her big sis adores her as much as we do.

I'll apologize in advance for what is sure to be an obscene amount of pics to be posted of her!

Tasha said...

it's very hard to stop at 2.... i'm having trouble stopping at 4! LOL but really, i am a circus attraction when i go out these days which helps me feel DONE!