Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Bitsy Girl

After the craziness of Si's 3rd birthday party, Brooke and I ended up goofing around with the camera and played around with

some tough lighting situations....the next few images ( including the one of B and her man ) were taken with our backs to a

bright, sunny window. No light on our faces whatsoever. I think I'm diggin' what we came up with! Thank you, Brooke, for taking

these ... the ones of Eve and I are our first photos together since the day she was born ( sad, I know)! I just can't believe that

she's already TWO months old.....where in the world does the time go?!

And make sure you all keep checking in, as there's exciting news to be told....soon!



d d p h o t o g r a p h y said...

check out the eyelashes! gorgeous!

Brooke Bowland said...

i am glad we got a few. i must say, between using your cam which i am totally unfamiliar with and trying out the 85mm on my brothers cam...I was really at a loss. ha.
we must do an official mom & girl day!