Friday, September 5, 2008


A very small sneak for a wonderful couple I had the opportunity to shoot while were such a sweet couple with wonderully creative ideas; it was a treat for me! These were taken the day after the "big day" at Hatley castle.

Lisa & Jason, thank you so much for being fabulous to work with and congratulations on getting hitched!!!



Anonymous said...

Hello Michele,
i just updated my blogger blog and ran into yours. I looked at all your photographs. I like your style. Very feminin, and that is ment as a compliment. Succes with your business!
Eric Krull from The Netherlands

Michele said...

Thank you so much for your comments Eric, they are very appreciated!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I just LOVE the second image! Gorgeous!!

d d p h o t o g r a p h y said...

wowowow..sooo great! u are a superstar!