Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Four and a Bit-bit

This post is solely dedicated to our little Bit-Bit....she was 4 months last week and time kept flying by as usual, and I forgot to

post! All I can say about this little one is that I now understand how my grandmother had so many children....if they all started off

this beautiful, snuggly and even- tempered I don't think I'd have any problems filling a farmhouse! She really may be one of the

happiest babes I've ever come across... take a peek at the storyboard and you see her "awake" photo? That is a millisecond

after waking up....every time! Just a glance it seems, and she will give the biggest "cartoon" smile (as Brooke describes

it !) A smile that I have yet to capture on camera.....

And just in case I forget to mention it tomorrow.....Happy Canada Day!!!!!



Connie said...

Your girls are ABSOLUTELY gorgeous!! You are lucky they seem to just LOVE the camera as much as you hehe:) Can't wait for you to shoot ours! BEAUTIFUL!!

jen sander said...

she's absolutley beautiful michele

Morgan said...

BEAUTIFUL! I just love the big blue eyes and innocent little smiles!

Michele said...

Thanks so much guys.....I sure do feel lucky to have such happy, healthy and beautiful kiddos:)

Happy Canada Day!

Brooke Bowland said...

ah the wee bit-bit. she seriously makes me wish i could have more. she is getting to be more and more beautiful by the minute!
love these, the mission is to get that smile locked away in a photo forever. hehe.

Brooke Bowland said...

oh and the last one...sigh...

andrea said...

my goodness. is she ever gorgeous!

Tamara Walker said...

That is so sweet that she wakes up with a smile....What a beautiful little girl.

Brandi said...

She is so gorgeous... and you take such gorgeous photos of her!! Love all of these!