Monday, December 8, 2008

Little Man.....

Yes, I know; WHY in the world do I have him in such a "girly" colour?? Honestly, it's all I had - and I had planned on converting

the pic into black and white. I just couldn't help myself with the Old Skool colour though, I LOVE it!! (Sorry Mum)! This little guy

is my newest nephew, who at the time was just a few weeks old; I can't wait 'til he's sitting up so I can really take advantage!

* Images edited using Totally Rad Actions - yin/yang + Old Skool 40% + Can o whoopass 20% + Boutwell's Magic Sharp


Brooke Bowland said...

yum. i can see why you love the colour version! one needs to know its not a baby girl. hehe.

Karen Cooper said...

Its a gorgeous shot the way it is!